martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011


A partir de ahora, "ANGJO" (nuestro avatar) se dedicará a leernos cuentos cortos. Esto será muy util para mejorar nuestro "LISTENING" (comprensión auditiva) y nuestra PRONUNCIACIÓN. CADA MES APARECERÁ AQUI UN NUEVO CAPITULO O CUENTO,
INSTRUCCIONES : 1) Traducir este texto con la ayuda de un diccionario (en la parte inferior de este blog tenemos un diccionario muy bueno). 2)Buscar a la derecha de este blog el reproductor "ENGLISH AUDIOS" 3)Buscar alli el audio que corresponda con el titulo de este post. 4)Hacer click sobre el audio y seguir con la vista el texto mientras lo oimos. 5)Podemos (haciendo click sobre el audio) repetir las partes dificiles 6)Repetir el audio hasta su completa comprensión y dominio auditivo, incluso podemos intentar leer el texto a dúo con ANGJO.It was an evening in October. Wakefield picked up his suitcase, kissed his wife, and said goodbye. "I am going into the country", he told her, "I may be away for three or four days". His wife knew his love of mystery and so, she did not ask the reason for his journey.

Wakefield gave her a sickly smile through the open door, and in a moment he was gone. He hurried along the busy street, and dissapeared among the crowd. "People are watching me", he thought. "they will see where I go and tell my wife".

He heard feet close behind, and feared that somebody was trying to catch him... A voice in the crowd called out, and he thought that it called his name...But Wakefield had no cause for fear. No eye followed him.

After several turns in different directions, he went to a lodging house in the next street. There he stayed in a small room that was already booked for him, and his journey ended.

Wakefield was a quiet little man, about fifty years old.
He seemed to be a good husband, not the sort of man to leave his wife. He soon began to feel sorry about his actions. He was lonely at his lodgings.

He asked himself why he left his wife. He supposed he had a reason but he could not remember it. Wakefield could not sleep that night. In the morning, he got up early and tried to think what to do. He wondered how his wife would manage without him. He had a sudden desire to find out.

"I will stay at the lodgings for a week and watch her", he decided. Wakefield went off. He planned to go to the end of his street and take a quick look towards his house. But, like a man in a dream, he went to the door.

The sound of his foot on the door step woke him. Wakefield!. Where are you going?. He hurried away. He was shaking with fear and breathing heavily. He did not dare to turn his head until he reached the end of the street. There he stopped and looked at his home.

He saw his wife through the front window. She was looking towards the end of the street. The brainless man feared that she noticed him. He turned and ran back to his lodgings.

After this dangerous little adventure, Wakefield thought of a safer idea.
He changed his looks. He changed the colour of his hair to red, and dressed in clothes that were unlike his usual brown suit. He looked a different man. "My wife wont recognize me now", he thought.

Wakefield´s feelings now hardened. He decided to leave his wife for longer than a week. She doesn´t miss me yet, he thought, I will wait until she´s afraid. Two of three times in the next two weeks she passed before his eyes. Each time she walked with a heavier step, her face was whiter. and she looked more worried.

In the third week, Wakefield saw a docter enter his house.
Dear woman. Will she die ?. Wakefield wondered. He was a little saddened. but he still stayed away from his wife. He made the excuse. I mustn´t worry her if she is ill. After a few weeks, his wife was quiet well again. The danger is over. She doesn ´t need me now. Wakefield said to himself.

His lodgings were only in the next street, but it now seemed a different world. This thought passed through Wakefields troubled mind.
I won´t return yet. he decided, perhaps next week. One day.

Twenty years passed. During that time Wakefield saw his home every day. He also often caught sight of his sad wife. Misses Wakefield heard no news of her husband. She was supposed that he was dead. Then one evening, Wakefield, now old and bent, went for his usual walk towards his old home.

It was a wet night in Autumn and a strong wind was blowing. Wakefield stopped near his house. Through the windows of the sitting room he saw the red light of a warm fire. The shadow of good Misses Wakefield was dancing on the wall. At that moment, the wind blew the rain into Wakefields face. He was wet through to the skin and very cold.

Don´t stand in the street, man, Go inside. Wakefield said to himself. There is a good fire to warm you. and your wife will get some dry clothes for you. Wakefields tired old legs slowly climbed the steps.He entered the house like a man who has been away only for the day. He gave his wife a little smile and closed the door.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011


A partir de ahora, "ANGJO" (nuestro avatar) se dedicará a leernos cuentos cortos. Esto será muy util para mejorar nuestro "LISTENING" (comprensión auditiva) y nuestra PRONUNCIACIÓN. CADA MES APARECERÁ AQUI UN NUEVO CAPITULO O CUENTO,
INSTRUCCIONES : 1) Traducir este texto con la ayuda de un diccionario (en la parte inferior de este blog tenemos un diccionario muy bueno). 2)Buscar a la derecha de este blog el reproductor "ENGLISH AUDIOS" 3)Buscar alli el audio que corresponda con el titulo de este post. 4)Hacer click sobre el audio y seguir con la vista el texto mientras lo oimos. 5)Podemos (haciendo click sobre el audio) repetir las partes dificiles 6)Repetir el audio hasta su completa comprensión y dominio auditivo, incluso podemos intentar leer el texto a dúo con ANGJO.Come with us, please. The fat policeman said in English. What ? Me ? I said. Why ? What´s de matter ? And bring your bag with you. The tall policeman said. I began to ask a question, but policemen never like questions from young men with long hair.

So I stayed quiet, picked up my bag, and went with them. In the station building, there were a lot more policemen, and some people from the train. They were all young people, I saw. Some were afraid, some were bored. The police looked in everybody´s bags. And then the people went back to the train.

My two policemen took me to a table. Your passport, please. The fat policeman said. And open your bag. They looked at my passport, and I opened my bag. There was a young policewoman with red hair at the next table. She had a nice face, so I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

Aaaah. The tall policeman said suddenly. All my dirty shirts and clothes were out on the table. The policeman picked up my bag and turned it over. On to the table, out of my bag, fell packet after packet of U.S. American dollars. Nice, new dollars. Fifty-dollar notes in big packets. A lot of money.

My mouth opened, and stayed open. I couldn´t find my voice. I was suddenly a very interesting person, and a lot of police ran up to our table and stood behind me. 50.000...100.000...150.000... There´s 200.000 dollars here. The tall policeman said. What an interesting bag, Mr. Tom, Walsh. I found my voice again quickly. But its not my bag. I shouted.

There was a big, happy smile, on that policeman´s face. Well. He said. It´s got your name on it. Look. So I looked, and of course, there was my name, and yes of course, it was my bag. So how did 200000 U.S. dollars get into my bag ? You cannot bring U.S. dollars into this country. The fat policeman said.

He had very short grey hair, and little black eyes. He didn´t smile once. But I didn´t bring them. I said quickly. They are not my dollars. I never saw them before in my life, and. There was a lot of noise in the station. I looked out of the window and saw my train. Slowly, It began to move. Hey. I shouted, that´s my train.

The tall policeman laughed. It was a great day for him. Oh no. He said. you are not getting back on that train. You are staying here with us. In our beautiful country. He smiled happily. So I never got back to Sofia on Saturday. I was very unhappy about that.

I wanted to have a little talk with Melanie and Carol. Ask them one or two questions, you know. You are a nice guy, Tom. See you in Sofia, okay. Take you to the best restaurant in town. Yeah. Great. And I never got down to Cyprus or North Africa that winter. Oh well. I live and learn. It´s not an easy life, in prison. But it´s warm in winter. And the food´s not bad.

And I am meeting some interesting people. There´s a man from Georgia U.S.S.R. Boris, his name is. He cames from a place by the Black Sea. He´s a great guy. When we get out of here. He and I are going down to Australia. Brisbane perhaps, or Sydney. Get a job on a ship. Start a new life. Yeah, next year´s going to be okay.

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011

viernes, 30 de abril de 2010


Aqui encontrareis distintas formas de practicar inglés cada dia.



miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008


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